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Why Enterprises Struggle to Automate Professional Services Processes

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Services businesses that operate globally with employees across multiple geographies have to work while adhering to various laws and regulations, local work practices, language and currency requirements, and more. They need to operate at a truly global scale while managing talent across regional boundaries. Even when working from the other side of the world, managers and business leaders need visibility into the project status. They need to know how much work must be done, and the workload on resources. However, manual or point solutions are not designed to automate and streamline professional services operations across an enterprise. 

Automation Helps Professional Services Employees Maximize Efficiency and Profits

Automation is the most significant enabler of productivity. It offloads repetitive, manual, time-consuming, and administrative overheads from teams to save valuable time that can be used for more creative tasks. For instance, software can automatically monitor resource availability and utilization rate. The software alerts project managers when an employee is facing burnout, helping them distribute the workload. Without software, they have to juggle many spreadsheets and emails to first understand who is working on which task and then distributing the workload.

Challenges to Automating Professional Services Processes

There are several reasons why enterprises struggle to automate professional services processes: a lack of complete visibility into projects, distributed processes, and resources, compliance issues, integration challenges to name a few. 

Let’s take a closer look at the most common reasons: 

  • Lack of real-time visibility into tasks: Employees have been working remotely for most of the last year, so the task and project updates that usually happened at water coolers became almost invisible. While major project updates do happen over a call or an email, managers miss the granular insights. This lack of visibility also means that managers don’t have a single source of truth to automate tasks. 
  • Compliance issues: Global organizations have teams working from multiple locations. To meet local rules and regulations, enterprises usually go with regional vendors. This not only creates data silos but also limits the potential for automation processes on a global scale. 
  • Integration challenges: Enterprises run on a complex tech ecosystem, and more often than not, they don’t talk to one another. The diverse investment in multiple systems coupled with a lack of tight integration limits the scope of automation.  

The Self-Driving PSA Solution That Will Empower Your Enterprise

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Automation Software to The Rescue

A professional services automation software is a comprehensive software suite that provides project and service-based companies a single source of truth for all their projects, resources, financials, and planning. A software helps break down silos and connect different parts of the business to streamline processes. In addition, a self-driving PSA leverages AI and ML to eliminate manual intervention as much as possible. 


Our solution is an enterprise-ready, configurable, and scalable solution that provides 100% accurate and consistent data to empower business leaders to operate in harmony across different groups in the organization. It delivers real-time visibility into all of your project’s work, leading to more agile responses when something feels out of track. The insights enable course corrections and help rapidly get resources and keep projects and finances on track.   

Achieve a Single Source of Truth

An automation solution serves as the single source of truth for all your enterprise’s project, resource and finance metrics. It gives managers complete real-time visibility into all critical metrics across practices or client projects. In addition, the centralized and scalable solution allows project managers to gain control over projects, resources, costs, pay, and billing. At the same time, workflows automate most of the tasks that would otherwise be administrative overhead. 

Readiness IT, a global digital transformation accelerator, uses Polaris PSA to streamline and automate their organization’s project and resource management processes. Here’s what Carlos Paiva, Portfolio Manager at Readiness IT had to say, “Streamlining project and resource management across IT Readiness was one of the biggest challenges for our leaders. While there were tools to track project time and manage resources allocation, it was very inefficient. Managers spent excessive time collating the information needed to analyze how their employees spent time on projects. Polaris solved the time tracking and staffing process issues we faced with our earlier solution.”


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A Global Solution Connecting Disparate Systems

Our automation software seamlessly connects with an enterprises’ complex tech ecosystem. Be it CRM, ERP, Project Management, Accounting, or any other system, our solution supports plug-and-play integration for sharing information. In addition, connecting disparate systems opens up new automation opportunities. For instance, Polaris automatically notifies project managers when a deal reaches a particular stage in the CRM. This enables project managers to plan resources well in advance to avoid any last-minute conflicts. 

Tackle Professional Services Automation Challenges More Confidently

Our solution has constantly stood out from other leading players in the market for its advanced capabilities, ease of use, setup, and ease of doing business. Our solution experts will support you through implementation and ensure your organization reaps the maximum benefits. 

The Self-Driving PSA Solution That Will Empower Your Enterprise

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Shree Krupa


Shree Krupa

Shree is content marketing manager at Deltek | Replicon. She likes to write about technology trends that are shaping the future of the workplace. Deltek | Replicon provides award-winning products that make it easy to manage your workforce. With complete solution sets for client billing, project costing, and time and attendance management, Deltek | Replicon enables the capture, administration, and optimization of your most underutilized and important asset: time.


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