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Case Study: Taking Advantage of Polaris’ Advanced Analytics to Get Complete Visibility into Your Business

Want to know how our customers turned data into actionable information? Find out how they used our business intelligence integration to make better business decisions, identify new business opportunities, and predict future trends.
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Face Identification: Going Beyond Biometrics With Your Time Clock

Users can forget their ID card or a password, but they can’t forget their face. That was the thinking behind our latest feature – Face Identification. Employees can now clock in using facial recognition or fingerprint authentication when using our CloudClock and Replicon Mobile apps, making time tracking even more seamless and secure.
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How Many Work Days in a Year? (2024)

Working days are the days of the week on which employees work and understanding the number of work days in a year is essential to calculate both compensation and its… Read More

Global Compliance Desk – Ireland

Ireland: Upcoming Changes to Parent’s Leave The Parent's Leave and Benefit Act 2019 (Extension of Periods of Leave) Order 2024 has been signed into law, bringing notable changes to parent’s… Read More

Per Diem: A Guide to Understanding Reimbursements and Rate

Per diem is a type of allowance or compensation that companies provide to their employees and it plays an important role in simplifying expense management for businesses. Companies mostly provide… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Japan

Global Compliance Desk – Japan

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Taiwan

Global Compliance Desk – Taiwan

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Singapore

Global Compliance Desk – Singapore

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key… Read More
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