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Time Tracking Software

Time Tracking for Professional Services Firms: The Key to Successful Cost Optimization

Profit margins and revenue are under increasing pressure due to lower billable utilization rates, rising acquisition costs of highly-skilled knowledge workers, and last-minute client requests.

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What is a 9/80 Work Schedule – Advantages & Disadvantages

As the world evolves, so do the ways in which we work. One such approach gaining popularity is the 9/80 work schedule. This schedule involves working 80 hours in a two-week period, with one week having nine-hour workdays and the other having eight-hour workdays, resulting in a three-day weekend every other week. This alternative to the traditional 9-5 workweek offers numerous benefits, including increased productivity and work-life balance. In this article, we will explore how the 9/80 work schedule can help maximize your productivity by reducing stress, providing more time for personal pursuits, and creating a more focused work environment. Whether you're an employer looking to offer a more flexible work schedule or an employee seeking a better work-life balance, the 9/80 work schedule may be the solution you've been searching for. Let's dive in and learn more about this innovative approach to work.
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Time Tracking Is a Catalyst For Driving Revenue In Your Post M&A Strategy

In today’s highly digital world, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have become a common strategy for large services organizations looking to expand into new markets, gain a competitive advantag…

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How Many Work Days in a Year? (2024)

Working days are the days of the week on which employees work and understanding the number of work days in a year is essential to calculate both compensation and its… Read More

Global Compliance Desk – Ireland

Ireland: Upcoming Changes to Parent’s Leave The Parent's Leave and Benefit Act 2019 (Extension of Periods of Leave) Order 2024 has been signed into law, bringing notable changes to parent’s… Read More

Per Diem: A Guide to Understanding Reimbursements and Rate

Per diem is a type of allowance or compensation that companies provide to their employees and it plays an important role in simplifying expense management for businesses. Companies mostly provide… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Ireland

Global Compliance Desk – Ireland

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Ireland is in the process of… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Portugal

Global Compliance Desk – Portugal

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Portugal has implemented two EU Directives… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Malaysia

Global Compliance Desk – Malaysia

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The Malaysian Government has announced an… Read More
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