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Global Compliance Updates

Global Compliance Desk – Luxembourg

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key developments affecting labor & employment implemented in Luxembourg. On June 25, 2019, the draft law no. 7416 amending Article L. 222-9 of the Labour Code and increasing the minimum social wage by 0.9%, was passed by the Chamber of Deputies. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
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Global Compliance Desk – Germany

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key developments affecting labor & employment implemented in Germany pertaining to leave entitlement for unpaid special leave. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
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Global Compliance Desk – Massachusetts

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key developments affecting labor & employment implemented in Massachusetts, United States. Beginning in July 2019, Massachusetts employers must be aware that employees are now entitled on an annual basis to receive a medical and family leave of up to 26-weeks each year.
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Global Compliance Desk – Denmark

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key developments affecting labor & employment implemented in Denmark. A new Danish Holiday Act was passed by the Danish Parliament on January 25, 2018. The passing of the new Act changes the present holiday entitlement scheme to a concept of concurrent holiday effective on September 1, 2020. Read on as we cover some of the notable changes in detail.
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How Many Work Days in a Year? (2024)

Working days are the days of the week on which employees work and understanding the number of work days in a year is essential to calculate both compensation and its… Read More

Global Compliance Desk – Ireland

Ireland: Upcoming Changes to Parent’s Leave The Parent's Leave and Benefit Act 2019 (Extension of Periods of Leave) Order 2024 has been signed into law, bringing notable changes to parent’s… Read More

Per Diem: A Guide to Understanding Reimbursements and Rate

Per diem is a type of allowance or compensation that companies provide to their employees and it plays an important role in simplifying expense management for businesses. Companies mostly provide… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – United States

Global Compliance Desk – United States

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The State of California and New… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Europe

Global Compliance Desk – Europe

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The European Court of Justice has… Read More
California Paid Sick Leave Law

Global Compliance Desk – California

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The California Supreme Court recently passed… Read More
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  • Disclaimer: The material provided above is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. We endeavor to keep all material up-to-date and correct but make no representations about the information's completeness, accuracy, or reliability. Laws vary by jurisdiction and are subject to change and interpretation based on individual factors that may differ between organizations. The material is not meant to constitute legal advice and we suggest you seek the advice of legal counsel in connection with any of the information presented.