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Time Blocking: A Step by Step Guide to Manage your Time

Work-life balance is important, and it can be achieved when you can plan how you are spending your day. You should consider all the time you are currently spending on different tasks each day. Once you have details, you can plan your next day by blocking time for each task as per the priority.
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Why Buying a Global Time Tracking Solution Can Benefit Large Services Organizations

The driving force behind mission-critical functions is the time tracking for an organization. To keep client billing, payroll, project costing, resource allocation, and more running smoothly and efficiently, you need several key features in your time tracking platform. Therefore, only buying the right time tracking solution can benefit large services organizations.
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Top 12 Project Management Challenges & How to Overcome Them

As remote work goes mainstream, we face project management challenges that are new in magnitude and complexity. With the right project management solutions, you can overcome these challenges and pave the way for project success.
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5 Features You Need in a Secure Time and Payroll System

In recent years, there has been a definitive shift towards cloud-based time tracking solutions to capture and process the time data needed for critical business functions such as payroll, resource man…

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How Many Work Days in a Year? (2024)

Working days are the days of the week on which employees work and understanding the number of work days in a year is essential to calculate both compensation and its… Read More

Global Compliance Desk – Ireland

Ireland: Upcoming Changes to Parent’s Leave The Parent's Leave and Benefit Act 2019 (Extension of Periods of Leave) Order 2024 has been signed into law, bringing notable changes to parent’s… Read More

Per Diem: A Guide to Understanding Reimbursements and Rate

Per diem is a type of allowance or compensation that companies provide to their employees and it plays an important role in simplifying expense management for businesses. Companies mostly provide… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – Canada

Global Compliance Desk – Canada

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Canada & several provinces are exercising… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – United States

Global Compliance Desk – United States

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. The U.S. Exercising State Sick Leave… Read More
Global Compliance Desk – United Kingdom

Global Compliance Desk – United Kingdom

Changes in compliance are continuous and are occurring around the globe. At Replicon, our goal is to make sure you’re never a step behind. Recently, there have been some key… Read More
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