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Streamline Skills Management for Continued Business Growth With an AI-powered PSA Solution


The complexities of the modern business landscape have made it imperative for professional services organisations to effectively manage the skills of their workforce, but they face several hurdles in doing so. From correctly identifying and developing skills to accurately aligning their employees to evolving project requirements, the challenges are numerous.

Professional services organisations are further hampered by disconnected and siloed systems that prevent them from achieving complete visibility into and better management of their employees and their skill sets. This has led to growing skills gaps that limit an organization’s ability to effectively deliver projects on time and within budget.

Join us for an exclusive webinar on May 8th, 2024, 2:00 PM AEST to discover how an AI-powered PSA solution can help professional services organisations like yours streamline skills management with:

  • A single source of truth for people, skills, and competencies
  • A centralised repository of skills, certificates, and expertise levels
  • AI/ML-powered resource identification and allocation
  • Comprehensive view of global resources with their current and future allocation levels

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