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Data import fields and formats

This topic outlines all of the imports available for moving data into Polaris. Refer to Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data for more information on how to carry out an import.


These imports allow you to create new activities and assign them to users, update details and assignment of existing activities, or delete existing activities.

Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate names

Field name Example Notes
Name Sales training *Required
Code HRT
Description Monthly training session for Sales staff
Enabled True True or False are valid
Users Jane.doe|jack.doe|joe.doe Login names of all existing Polaris users to assign this activity to

Bill - PSA only

This import allows you to add bills to Polaris PSA.

Field name Example Notes
Client Name Client 1 *Required
Reference# INV00001 *Required
Issue Date 10/01/2022


Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Payment Term 11
PO Number 5678
Currency $ Currency symbol for the Estimated Cost value
Invoice Template Default Template
Billing Address 101 Main St. Everytown, U.S.A.
Project for Line Item Project 1
Description for Line Item Line Item
Amount for Line Item 10000
Bill Status Issued

Bill Plan - PSA only

This import allows you to add bill plans to Polaris PSA.

Field name Example Notes
Project Name Saleshub website *Required
Bill Plan Type Flat Billing *Required
Currency $

*Required for Fixed Bid Milestone, Fixed Bid Recurring, Flat Billing

Currency symbol that determines the plan's currency

Milestone Total Percentage (Fixed Bid Milestone) 50

*Required for Fixed Bid Milestone

% of Contract Value to be billed on completion of Milestone

Milestone Total Amount (Fixed Bid Milestone) 10,000

*Required for Fixed Bid Milestone

Amount to be billed on completion of Milestone

Mark Up (Expenses) % *Required for Expenses
Contract Amount (Fixed Bid Milestone) 20,000

*Required for Fixed Bid Milestone

Task (Fixed Bid Milestone) Task 1 | Task 1.2

*Required for Fixed Bid Milestone

The milestone tasks for the plan.

Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate task names, if including more than one

Amount (Fixed Bid Recurring/Flat Billing)

*Required for Fixed Bid Recurring, Flat Billing

Amount to be Billed to the Client on that day

Start Date (Fixed Bid Recurring/Time Billing)

*Required for Fixed Bid Recurring, Time Billing

The bill plan's start date

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

End Date (Fixed Bid Recurring/Time Billing)

*Required for Fixed Bid Recurring, Time Billing

The bill plan's end date

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Frequency (Fixed Bid Recurring/Time Billing)

*Required for Fixed Bid Recurring, Time Billing

How Often to Bill

On (Fixed Bid Recurring /Time Billing)

*Required for Fixed Bid Recurring, Time Billing

When to Bill

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Date (Flat Billing)

*Required for Flat Billing

When to Bill

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Billable (Flat Billing) True

*Required for Flat Billing

TRUE and FALSE are valid values

Approval Status (Time Billing) Any

*Required for Time Billing

Any and Approved are valid values

Billing Rates - PSA only

This import allows you to add billing rates for roles, resources, and projects.

Field name Example Notes
Project Name Saleshub website


Name of the project with which rate is associated

Rate Type Role Rate


The type of billing rate you're defining

Project Rate, Role Rate, Resource Rate are valid values

Rate For Developer

*Required for role and resource rates

Defines the role or resource the rate will be assigned to:

  • For a role rate, enter a role name (e.g. developer)
  • For a resource rate, enter the resource's login name 
  • For a project rate, leave this blank
Currency $


Currency symbol for the billing rate currency

Amount 5000 *Required
Effective Date

*Required if a rate already exists

Omit or keep blank if you're adding an initial rate

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Business Costs - PSA only

These imports allow you to add or remove business costs that are used with Polaris' SmartBudget feature.

Field name Example Notes
Name Rent


Name of business cost to add

Start Date Start Date


Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

End Date End Date

*Required to add

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Cost 5000 *Required to add
Cost Currency $ *Required to add


These imports allow you to create new clients, update details of existing clients, or delete existing clients.

Field name Example Notes
Name Western Brothers *Required
Code WB *Required only if code is set as the unique client identifier
Description Western Brothers client, our first client
Client Manager jane.existingcm Login name of a Polaris user with client manager permissions
Client Contact Jim Western
Client Email [email protected]
Fax 555-555-5555
Phone 555-555-5555
Status Enabled True or False are valid
Client Street 123 Big Street
Client City New York
Client State/Province NY
Client Country USA
Client Zip/Postal code 13243
Billing Street 123 Big Street
Billing City New York
Billing State/Province NY
Billing Country USA
Billing Zip/Postal code 13243
Billing Email [email protected]
Billing Fax 555-555-5555
Billing Phone 555-555-5555
Billing Website
Billing Rates Project Rate|User Rate|Consultant|Developer|Project Manager The names of one or more rates that exist in Polaris

If importing multiple rates, use the pipe symbol (|) to separate the names

If you update rates, the new rates will completely overwrite any existing rates set for the client

Expense Codes Car Rental|Airfare|Meals|Hotel Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate the expense code names

Each expense code must already be set up in Polaris

Tax Profile California The tax profile must already be set up in Polaris

Groups (departments, employee types, locations)

These imports allow you to create new groups, update settings for existing groups, or delete existing groups. A separate import is available for each type of group you have enabled in your system (location, employee type, etc).

Field name Example Notes
Name North America|Canada|Ontario|Toronto *Required

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate group levels

Parent groups must already exist in Polaris, but you can create each level of a group hierarchy in one import, using separate rows for each level

Code TO
Description City of Toronto
Enabled True True or False are valid


These imports allow you to add or delete holidays from an existing holiday calendar.

Field name Example Notes
Holiday Name New Year's Day *Required
Holiday Date 26/01/2020 *Required

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Holiday Calendar Name United States *Required

Must match the name of a holiday calendar that already exists in Polaris

Holiday Duration Specific Hours *Required for Add operation only Full Day, Half Day, Specific number of hours, and Full Day with no Holiday Time are valid
Hours 4:30 *Required, but only if Specific number of hours is set for Holiday Duration

Must use hr:min format, if not a full hour

Automatically add Bookings True True or False are valid
When adding to existing timesheet Reopen if Submitted Reopen if Submitted, Reopen if Approved, and Do Not Add if Approved are valid

Initial revenue - PSA only

These imports allow you to add or update your organization's initial revenue data, when you're setting up revenue recognition in Polaris.

Field name Example Notes
Project Name Project 1 *Required
Revenue Recognized To Date 2000
Revenue Forecast To Date 3000
Revenue Currency $ Currency symbol for the revenue values

Project roles

These imports allow you to add, update, and delete project roles for use in project resourcing.

Field name Example Notes
Role name Developer *Required
Cost rate 3000
Cost rate currency $ Currency symbol representing the cost rate currency
Status FALSE


These imports allow you to create new projects, update details of existing projects, or delete existing projects.

Field name Example Notes
Name Landmark renovation *Required
Code P-22 *Required only if code is set as the unique project identifier
Start Date 26/01/2020 Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page
End Date 24/02/2020 Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page
Project Type Managed Managed or Unmanaged are valid
Description Landmark interior renovation – design and construction
Clients Advantage Technologies|Big Game Inc|Joan Arc Inc Names of one or more clients that exist in Polaris

If importing multiple clients, use the pipe symbol (|) to separate the client names

Enter clients on separate lines if you’re assigning a Client Billing Allocation Percentage

Program Renovations Must match a program name that already exists in Polaris
Project Manager jane.existingprojectmanager Login name of a Polaris user with project manager permissions
Project Leader Approval Required False True or False are valid
Allow Time Entry True True or False are valid
Estimated Cost Amount 25000
Estimated Cost Currency $ Currency symbol for the Estimated Cost Amount value
Estimated Hours 500
Project Currency $ Currency symbol for the Estimated Cost Amount value
Budget Hours 500
Time & Expense Entry Billable Billable, Billable & Non-Billable, and Non-Billable are valid
Budget Cost Currency $ Currency symbol for the Estimated Cost Amount value
Budget Cost Amount 25000
Total Contract Value 25000
Total Contract Currency $ Currency symbol for the Estimated Cost Amount value
Status Execution Initiate, Planning, Execution, and Closeout are valid

Resource Allocation

These imports allow you to add resource requests and allocations to projects directly in Polaris. These allocations bypass the normal request/fulfill resourcing process, and are displayed on the Resource Plan tab of the Project Resourcing page and on the Resource Allocation > Quick Allocation page.

Field name Example Notes
Project Name Mobile App Development *Required

Must match the name of a project that already exist in Polaris

Role Name Developer *Required

Must match the name of a role that already exists in Polaris

Loading 100 *Required

The percent of each resource's time that you want allocated to this project

Start Date 01/01/2020 *Required

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

End Date 26/01/2020 *Required

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Resources Jane.doe|jack.doe|joe.doe *Required

Login names of all existing users to allocate to this project

Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate names, if including more than one

Comment Imported allocation - was not requested by P.M. Comment associated with the resource request

Resource Request and Allocation

This import allows you to add the following to Polaris:

  • An unfulfilled resource request
  • An allocation with its associated complete request, or
  • A direct allocation without an associated request

Use the options for the Type column to define the type of import you'd like to carry out, as outlined in this table:

Type Description

Determines what to create based on the data included in the import.

The import creates an allocation if:

  • One or more resources are included

The import creates a request if:

  • It includes one or more Request criteria only fields (shown in the table below)

The import creates both an allocation and its associated request if:

  • It includes one or more Request criteria only fields, and
  • One or more resources are included

Creates an allocation and an associated request.

Requires inclusion of one or more resources.

Creates an allocation only, and no request.

Requires inclusion of one or more resources.

You can include rows for each type of option in a single import.

If you include multiple rows with the same project name, role, resource name, and request status, all hours will be merged into a single allocation row.

Field name Example Notes
Project Name Mobile App Development


Name of an existing project you want to create a request for or allocate resources to

Role Name Developer The name of the project role associated with the allocation or that you're requesting


Allocation Only

Indicates whether to create a request, an allocation, or both.

See the table above for a full description of the AUTO, REQUEST WITH ALLOCATION, and ALLOCATION ONLY options.

If excluded, defaults to AUTO.

Requested Skill

Interaction Design+4

Request criteria only

Existing Polaris skills to include in the request. Format like this:

Skill Name + Rating

Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate skill names, if including more than one.

Requested Department Implementation

Request criteria only

Resource department to include in the request

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the department name hierarchy

Requested Employee Type Salaried

Request criteria only

Resource employee type to include in the request

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the employee type name hierarchy

Requested Location New York

Request criteria only

Resource location to include in the request

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the location name hierarchy

Requested Tags

Project Priority+high

Request criteria only

Existing tags to include in the request.

Format the tags like this:


Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate pairs, if including more than one.

Start Date



Start date of the allocation and/or request.

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page.

End Date



Start date of the allocation and/or request.

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page.

Resources Jane.doe|jack.doe|joe.doe

Login names of existing Polaris resources you're creating an allocation for. Only used when creating allocations, not requests.

Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate login names, if including more than one resource.

Requested Number of Resource 1

Request criteria only

Number of resources required. If both this and resources are included, this column is ignored


Status to assign to the request.

These are the valid options:

Loading 100

The percent of each resource's time that you want allocated to this project.

If both loading and total hours are included, loading is ignored.

Total Hours 50

Total hours for the entire request or allocation; Hours will be spread equally across days in the imported date range, excluding weekends and time off

Requested Cost Rate 45

Request criteria only

Cost rate for the request. All allocations default to the user's assigned cost rate

Requested Cost Rate Currency $

Request criteria only

Currency symbol for the Requested Cost Rate value

Comment Need someone experienced for this

Request criteria only

Comment that appears in the request; not applicable to allocations

Requested Resource Pools New hires <1yr

Request criteria only

Name of an existing resource pools to include in the request.

Use a pipe symbol (|) to separate pool names, if including more than one.


Indicates whether to  update the dates, hours or loading for an existing allocation, or to create a new one.

OVERWRITE and NEW are valid values.

To overwrite, the project, role, and resources must match an existing allocation.

Role Skill Requirements

These imports allow you to assign skills to roles, and edit or delete assigned skills.

Field name Example Notes
Role *Required
Skill Category Documentation *Required
Skill Name Structured Authoring *Required
Skill Level Rating 3 The scale is typically 5-star maximum; however, your system may be configured to use a 1, 2, 3, or 4 star scale


These imports allow you to add, edit or delete system-level skills that can be assigned to users.

Field name Example Notes
Skill Name Structured Authoring *Required
Skill Category Documentation *Required
Skill Description Knowledge about the concept and application of structured authoring in documentation
Enabled True True or False are valid

Task Assignments

These imports allow you to assign users to existing tasks, or to remove assignments.

Field name Example Notes
Task Name Phase II|Stage I|Task 2 *Required

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate levels in the task name hierarchy

Must match the name of a task that already exists in Polaris

Project Mobile App Development *Required

Must match the name of a project that already exists in Polaris

User <All> *Required if assigning individual users <All> or a list of Polaris users with project user permission

If assigning multiple users, use a pipe symbol (|) to separate names

Department Company|Implementation *Required if assigning departments

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the department name hierarchy

Location (or any other group enabled in your system) Europe|Germany|Frankfurt *Required if assigning groups

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the location name hierarchy

Placeholder CRM Architects *Required if assigning placeholders

Must match the name of a project role that already exists in Polaris

Only needed if assigning placeholders

Placeholder Index 5 Number of placeholders needed

Only applies if assigning placeholders; never required


These imports allow you to create new tasks for existing projects, update details of existing tasks, or delete existing tasks.

Field name Example Notes
Name Phase II |Stage I||Task 2 *Required

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate levels in the task name hierarchy

Parent tasks must already exist in Polaris, but you can create each level of a hierarchy in one import

Code T-34
Project Landmark renovation *Required

Must match a project that already exists

Start Date 26/01/2020 Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page
End Date 24/02/2020 Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page
Description Task 2 of Stage I
Time And Expense Entry Type Billable *Required for Create operation only Billable, Billable & Non-Billable, and Non-Billable are valid
Allow Time Entry True True or False are valid
Estimated Hours 40
Cost Type Opex Capex or Opex are valid
Estimated Cost 5000
Estimated Cost Currency $ Currency symbol for the Estimated Cost value
Is Closed False True or False are valid

User Hourly Costs

These imports allow you to add and delete default hourly cost rates for existing Polaris users. Rates are associated with effective dates, so you can set up rates before they take effect.

Field name Example Notes
User admin


Login name of the existing Polaris user you want to assign a cost rate

Effective Date 24/02/2023

Date when this rate takes effect for the user

Leave blank if this is the initial rate

Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page

Hourly Cost 50 *Required
Hourly Cost Currency $

Currency symbol for the Hourly Cost rate

User Skill Assignments

These imports allow you to assign skills to users, and edit or delete assigned skills.

Field name Example Notes
User jane.doe


Login name of the existing Polaris user you want to assign skills to

Skill Category Documentation *Required
Skill Name Structured Authoring *Required
Skill Level Rating 3 The scale is typically 5-star maximum; however, your system may be configured to use a 1, 2, 3, or 4 star scale


These imports allow you to create new users, update details of existing users, or delete existing users.

Field name Example Notes
Login Name jill.doe *Required
First Name Jill *Required for Create operation only
Last Name Doe *Required for Create operation only
Display Name Jill D.
Start Date 26/01/2020 Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page
End Date 24/02/2020 Date must be formatted to match the one selected from the File date format field on the Data Import page
Enabled True True or False are valid
Email [email protected]
Employee Id 1054
Department Company|Implementation Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the department name hierarchy
Employee Type Contractor Must match the name of an employee type that already exists in Polaris
Primary Role Architect Must match the name of a role that already exists in Polaris
Secondary Role Developer Must match the name of a role that already exists in Polaris
Supervisor jack.existingsupervisor Login name of a Polaris user with supervisor permissions

The supervisor must already exist in Polaris

If updating the supervisor, the new supervisor will not be given a new effective date, but will replace the current supervisor assignment

Permissions System Administrator|Basic User Name of one or more permission sets that already exist in Polaris

If assigning multiple sets, use a pipe symbol (|) to separate names

Timesheet Template Standard Timesheet Must match the name of a timesheet template that already exists in Polaris
Time Off Template Time Off Must match the name of a time off template that already exists in Polaris
Expense Template Expenses Must match the name of an expense template that already exists in Polaris
Punch Entry Policy Cloud Clock Access Must match the name of a punch entry policy that already exists in Polaris
Authentication Type Replicon Replicon or SSO are valid
Password Createacomplexpassword Must meet minimum password requirement of Good rating, and any other password requirements you’ve configured
Licenses Polaris PSA Must match the name of a license available in Polaris

If assigning multiple licenses, use a pipe symbol (|) to separate names

Holiday Calendar United States Must match the name of a holiday calendar that already exists in Polaris
Location Europe|Germany|Frankfurt You can assign any type of group that exists in your system, not just Location groups – use the group type name as the field name

Use the pipe symbol (|) to separate each level of the group name hierarchy

If updating a group, the new group will not be given a new effective date, but will replace any existing group assignments, becoming the new initial group assignment

Time Off Types Vacation|Sick|Personal Leave Name of one or more time off types that already exist in Polaris

If assigning multiple types, use a pipe symbol (|) to separate names

Timesheet Approval Path Supervisor Must match the name of a timesheet approval path that already exists in Polaris
TimeOff Approval Path Supervisor Must match the name of a time off approval path that already exists in Polaris
Expense Approval Path Project Manager Must match the name of an expense approval path that already exists in Polaris

Related topics

Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data
Integrating with Polaris
Gaining business intelligence using your Replicon data
Exporting a report to Excel or PDF