Does Replicon record an audit trail of changes?
Looking for help with this feature in Polaris? Check out Does Polaris record an audit trail of changes? in the Polaris help.
Yes, Replicon offers the following audit reports:
Refer to Using Replicon reports for more information.
For information about the user profile audit log, refer to Viewing who made changes to user profiles. Replicon can also help support compliance with the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit requirements – talk to your Customer Success manager or Replicon Support for more information.
Project Audit report
The Project Audit template lets project managers and other permitted users to view what changes were made to a project, when they were made, and by whom. This report can help you enforce accountability among project managers, or better understand a project’s history of changes.
The report shows changes made to 44 supported project fields, and can be configured to show what action was taken and the original and new field values. It also includes a Modification Summary field, that shows all changes made to that project on a given day.
Timesheet Audit Trail report
The Timesheet Audit Trail template lets you track what changes were made to a timesheet.
These are the audit trail fields available:
- Action, such as Added, Modified, Deleted, Submit, Approve, Reject, or Admin Approve
- Modification Summary
- Modified By
- Modified On
- Field
- Original Value
- New Value
Time Punch Audit Trail report
The Time Punch Audit Trail template is similar to the Timesheet Audit Trail template, but instead tracks addition, deletion, and edit of punches.
These are the audit fields available:
- Action. such as Added, Deleted, or Edited
- Modification Summary
- Modified By
- Modified On
- Modified From
- Field
- Original Value
- New Value
Supervisors can also view audit details for punches by clicking the icon on the Team > Time Punches page.
Time Off Audit Trail report
Replicon's Time Off Audit Trail template that tracks addition, submission, and approval of time off bookings.
These are the audit fields available:
- Action, such as Added, Submit, or Approve
- Modified By
- Modified On
- Field
- Original Value
- New Value
Related links
Using Replicon reports
Time tracking setup checklist
Time off tracking setup checklist
Correcting an item
Can we retrieve hours that were deleted from a timesheet and identify who deleted them?