Where can I make a product suggestion or request?
To request new features or other improvements you’d like us to add to Replicon, please visit our Replicon community. We read and consider all suggestions we receive, and welcome your input.
To post a suggestion, you’ll need to access the community via Replicon. To do this:
- Click the
icon located in the bottom, left-hand corner of Replicon, and select Customer Community.
Then, once in the community, to post your suggestion:
- Click Ideas.
- Click Post an Idea.
- Fill out the form, then click Create Idea and Next.
You can only post ideas if you're logged in to the community.
Try searching for existing ideas similar to yours, and vote for them. Features that are in-demand are more likely to be implemented.
Related links
Getting Started with the Replicon Community
How can I find out what's new in Replicon?
New features in Replicon
New features in Replicon (video)
Choosing your products