How do we change a project’s status? What do the project statuses mean?

Replicon has several statuses that can be associated with a project: Tentative, In Progress, Completed, Deferred, Cancelled, and Archived. A project’s current status displays in the top, right-hand corner of the project’s page.

In Progress is the only status that allows time entry against the project; therefore, if you want to halt time entry, you should change the status to anything else. When you create a new project, it is assigned In Progress status, by default.

Archived status prevents time entry against projects, but also prevents projects from displaying in the All or My Projects lists on the Projects > Projects page. Therefore, you’d typically archive only projects you don’t need ready access to. You might, for example, decide to mark all finished projects as Completed, and then change their status to Archived a year or two later.

You can report on the status of projects using just about any of the project reports.

Changing a project’s status

To change the status of a project:

  1. Go to Projects > Projects, and select the project whose status you want to change.
  2. Click the current status in the project status summary bar located in the top, right-hand corner of the page, and select a new status for the project.

  1. Move the percent complete toggle, if you want to mark the percent complete for the project.

Changing the status of multiple projects at once

To edit multiple projects at once to have the same status:

  1. Go to Projects > Projects.
  2. Mark the check box beside each project whose status you want to change.
  3. Click the Mass Edit button at the top of the page.
  4. Select the new status from the Status filter.
  5. Click Save.

You can also mass edit project statuses using the RIA import tool.


Can we reopen a project that I’ve marked as Completed, Deferred, Cancelled, or Archived?

Yes, you can always reopen projects of any status.

Related links

How projects work
Projects tour (video)
Setting up a project
Updating project information
Copying a project