Editing data using RIA

You can use the Replicon Import Add-in (RIA) to mass edit or delete data from your Replicon instance. If you use an Update templates, only the data you selected will be updated. And in the following cases, the new data will be appended the existing settings:

  • User assignment updates, when you include a new effective date
  • Project allocations, and team and rate assignment updates

To update data using RIA, first log in to RIA, and then:

  1. Select a template and import fields
  2. Get existing data from Replicon and update it
  3. Import the updated data

Changes you make using RIA cannot be reversed. Therefore, use caution when working with RIA, as it allows you to easily make changes to large amounts of live data that cannot be undone.

You can also use our in-app data import feature to add, edit, or delete projects, tasks, clients, project and task assignments, users, holidays, activities, and groups. It doesn't require installation, and is supported for use on Macs.

A. Select a template and import fields

  1. Select Update for the template whose fields you want to edit.

  1. Select the fields you want to edit. The ones selected by default are required to carry out the import.

  1. Click the Create Import Template button.

A blank template displays, with a Get current data dialog.

  1. Click OK to clear the dialog.

B. Get existing data from Replicon and update it

  1. In the first column of the template, type or paste the login names of the existing users whose data you want to update.

  1. Click the Get Data From Replicon button in the Add-in top menu.

Existing data will populate the spreadsheet.

  1. Edit values, as needed. Cells you have edited will turn yellow.

Refer to About the RIA data entry features for tips on entering values in a RIA template.

C. Import the updated data

When you’re ready to import your updated data, click the Update button.

An import dialog will display, with the status of the import.

Once the import is complete:

  • All updated values will be highlighted green and values not successfully imported display in red
  • Messages about the import will display in the Internal: Remarks column on the right-hand side of the spreadsheet

Refer to Adding data using RIA for information on troubleshooting errors in RIA.


If I leave a cell blank, will that delete the existing value?

Yes, the value will be deleted, providing it isn’t a required field in Replicon.

Refer to Deleting and disabling data for more options for deleting data using RIA.

Can I add more rows to the template after clicking Get Data From Replicon?

Yes, you can. But, when you click Get Data From Replicon after selecting new data rows, be sure to choose No in the Warning dialog that displays.

This will ensure any data you’ve updated but haven’t yet imported is retained. You can click Yes if you don't mind if changes you haven't imported are overwritten.

Related links

Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data
Integrating with Replicon
Introduction to the Replicon API
Using the Replicon Import Add-In (RIA)
Editing data using RIA (video)