Setting up shifts

Shifts are used to set employee work times and breaks. Before schedule managers can include a shift in one or more jobs, or assign it to employees, administrators need to create that shift.

For each shift, you specify when it starts and ends, and when breaks are scheduled.

Once shifts are created, the schedule manager can include them in job-based schedules or assign them directly to employees.

To add a shift:

  1. Go to Administration > Schedules > Shifts.
  2. Click Add Shift.
  3. Enter a name, code, and description.
  4. Click the Color Code circle to choose a color for the shift.

The shift will be shown in this color when schedule managers or employees view the schedule.

You can click More to create a custom color.


  1. Specify when the shift starts and ends.

Use any of the following formats: 8a, 8 a, 8 am, 8:00 am, or 8 (the system will attempt to determine if it should be am or pm).

  1. For each break that occurs during the shift:
    1. Click Add Break Time.
    2. Enter the start time and duration of the break (in minutes).
    3. Choose the type of break.

  1. Click Save.

The shift is now available for inclusion in jobs.

Related links

How shift scheduling works
Setting up users for shift scheduling