Setting up expense templates

Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Setting up expense templates in the Polaris help.

An expense template is a group of expense settings that is assigned to users. Each expense user must be assigned an expense template in their user profile before they can use an expense sheet.

Templates allow you to manage different settings for different types of users. For example, you might want to allow only a certain set of users to enter expenses against projects. In this case, you could create an expense template with project options enabled, and assign it to that set of users.

A default expense template is available that you can use or edit to meet your requirements. You can also create as many new templates as you need.

Adding an expense template

To add an expense template:

  1. Go to Administration > Expenses > Expense Templates.
  2. Click Add Expense Template.
  3. Enter a template name, and select or deselect expense options, as desired.
  4. Click Add.

You can now assign the template to users on the Expenses page of user profiles.

About the expense options

Option name

This option…

Enter Expenses Against Projects

Displays projects in the expense sheet, and allows users to enter time against them

Project Selection is Required

Requires the user to associate a project with expenses before they can submit the expense sheet

Select Projects By

Filters projects in the expense sheet by either client or program, depending on the option selected.

Set this option to Do not filter if you’d like only projects and tasks to appear without their associated clients or programs.

Override Exchange Rates

Allows the user to edit exchange rates in expense sheets, rather than using the system default rate

Override Rate for Rated Expenses

Lets the user edit the rate used for any rated expenses, rather than using the system default rate

Reopen Expenses before Approval

Allows the user to reopen their expense sheets that are awaiting approval in order to make corrections

Reopen Expenses after Approval

Allows the user to reopen their approved expense sheets in order to make corrections.

Expense sheets that have been invoiced cannot be reopened.

Allow Blank Resubmission Comments

Allows the user to resubmit an expense sheet that was reopened without entering any comments in the comments field that displays. Deselect this option to require resubmission comments.

View Billing Summary Data

Lets user see values in the Billable Amount column on their My Replicon > Expenses page.

Notice Acceptance is Required

Requires the user to accept the expense notice before they can submit their expense sheet


What happens if we edit a template that is already assigned to users?

The current template settings are always in effect.

Related links

How expenses work
Expense tracking setup checklist
Setting up expenses (video)
Choosing which columns are available on expense sheets
Setting default billing rates and expense codes for a client