Logging in to RIA
The Replicon Import Add-in (RIA) allows you to import data into Replicon using a spreadsheet.
Logging in
To log in to RIA:
- Launch the RIA add-in from your desktop, using either the shortcut icon or your app list.
- Click Get Started.
- In the dialog that displays, enter your Replicon account credentials and click Login.
Logging in for SSO users
If you don’t usually have to log in to Replicon because your organization uses a single sign-on (SSO) method:
- Make sure you’re logged in to your SSO system.
- Log in to RIA as described above, but when you reach the Login To Replicon dialog:
- Enter your company name and your Replicon user name
- Ignore the Password field
- Enable the SSO Token Authentication check box
If you exclude your company or Replicon user name, you'll be prompted to enter them in a browser when you click Login.
Your company name is the exact name of your company's Replicon instance. Refer to I don’t know the format used for my company name for tips if you don't know your company name.
- Click Login.
RIA will log in to your Replicon account. You'll see a Login Successful image in your browser once you're logged in.
Related links
Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data
Integrating with Replicon
Introduction to the Replicon API
Using the Replicon Import Add-In (RIA)
Getting started with RIA (video)