Setting up resource pools
Resource pools are ad hoc groups of resources that administrators or resource managers can create in Polaris. To learn more about them, refer to All about resource pools.
Administrators or resource managers can add resource pools, and they can assign resources to pools on the Resource Pools page, or in user profiles or resource profiles.
Allowing users to add resource pools and assign users to them
To add resource pools and assign resources to them, administrators need the following enabled in their Administrator profile:
- Edit permission for Resource Pools under Permissions for System Data
- Edit permission for Resource Pools under Permissions for User Profile Data
To add resource pools and assign resources to them, and to access resource pool data, resource managers need the following enabled in their Resource Manager profile:
- Edit permission for My Resource Pools or All Resource Pools
- Edit permission for Resource Pools under Project Resource User Data
Restricting access to resource pools
Resource pools can be used to restrict access to resources or their data or both.
To restrict access, in Resource Manager permission sets, you can choose what user data a manager can access for all resources or just for the resource pools they manage.
For example, you could allow a manager to view only resource cost data for resource pools they manage. This sort of restriction may be useful, for example, after a company is acquired, if you want to prevent a new manager from viewing cost data for all users across the newly-merged organization.
Or, you could entirely block a manager from seeing resources from other pools, by restricting the Users sub-permission.
Adding a resource pool
To add a resource pool:
- Go to Administration > Resource Management > Resource Pools.
Go to Resource Management > List, and click the Resource Pools link, located in the top, right-hand corner of the page.
- Click the Add New Resource Pool button.
- In the dialog that displays, give the pool a name and select a resource pool manager, then click Add Resource Pool. Optionally, you can enter a description and code for the pool.
- Assign one or more co-managers to the resource pool, if needed.
Since you can only assign one manager to a resource pool, assigning co-managers allows you to restrict access when multiple resources require some level of access to a pool. For example, you might block a co-manager from viewing costs for all members of their resource pools.
Assigning resources to resource pools
There are three ways to add resources to a resource pool:
Refer to the sections below for information on each.
On the Resource Pools page:
- Go to Administration > Resource Management > Resource Pools.
Go to Resource Management > List, and click the Resource Pools link.
- From the list, select the name of the pool you want to add resources to.
- Click the Link Resources link.
- In the dialog that displays, select the check box beside the name of each resource you want to add.
Or, click the check box at the top of the page to select all.
Enter text in the Search field or click the icon to filter the list of users by criteria like role, skill, or group.
- Click Link Resources.
If you want to remove resources from the pool, either click the icon for each resource, or enable the check box for each resource, and click the Delete Resources button that displays.
In user profiles:
- Go to Administration > Employees and Organization > Users.
- Add a user, or select the name of a user to edit.
- Select Groups from the side menu.
- From the Resource Pools section, click Assign Resource Pool.
- Select the name of resource pool you want this user assigned to.
To remove a user from a pool, click the next to their name.
In resource profiles:
- Go to Resource Management > List, and click the name of the resource you want to assign.
- Click the Edit button, located in the top, right-hand corner of the page.
- Under Basic Information, click the
icon next to Resource Pools.
- In the dialog that displays, click Assign Resource Pool.
- Select the name of resource pool you want this user assigned to.
Does each resource added to a resource pool require a Polaris license?
Yes, all resources created in Polaris need to have a Polaris license.
Is there a limit to how many pools a resource can be added to?
No, there’s no limit.