Viewing who made changes to user profiles

Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Viewing who made changes to user profiles in the Polaris help.

Do you have multiple administrators in your system? If so, you may need to know who made changes to user profiles and what changes they made, to promote accountability or to track where issues originated.

You can use the user profile audit log to track what kind of changes administrators made. The log shows:

  • Date - the date the change was made
  • User - the administrator who made the change
  • IP Address - the IP address from which that administrator made the change
  • Details - the type of change made

This feature is an audit log, and not a full audit trail; while it shows you what type of changes were made, it doesn’t show exactly what field was affected, nor does it show original and new values for fields.

To access the log:

  1. Ensure you have Audit Log - View permission enabled in your user profile.
  2. Go to Administration > Employees and Organization > Users.
  3. Click the name of the user whose profile you'd like to audit.
  4. Click the Audit Log option in the side menu.

The audit log may take a moment to load.

  1. Filter by date, if desired.
  2. View the type of changes that were made, and by whom, by date.


Can we find out more details about what changes were made?

It may be possible for Replicon to identify additional details about changes that don't display in the audit log. If you need more detailed information, contact Replicon Support.

Is this audit data available in a report format?

No, this data is only available in the audit log interface.

Related links

About the user profile fields
Adding users and assigning them user profile settings
Logging in as another user
Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data