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Running a report

To view data collected in Polaris, you can run reports available to you in the Reports section – either reports available by default, or ones you’ve added.

You can run reports on a one-off basis, or schedule them to be automatically emailed at regular intervals.

Running a one-time report

To run a report:

  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Find the report you want to run in the Report Name column, and click its name.

To make it easier to find a report, you can filter the list by selecting a category from the table on the left side of the page.

  1. Click the Settings button if you need to:

  1. Use the filters to limit what data displays in the report, if required.

To change what filters display, click the Edit link beside the Filters heading and select or deselect filter fields.

  1. Click Run Report.

You can now save any changes you’ve made to the report, if you want to view those changes after you’ve left the report page. You can also now print or email the report, or export it to Excel or PDF.


What does the Expand/Collapse toggle do?

If summary options have been set up in the report, an Expand/Collapse toggle will display under the report filters.

Refer to Grouping and summarizing data for information on how the toggle works.

What data can I view in reports?

Refer to How permissions affect what report data is available to you for information on that subject.

Related topics

Report data doesn’t update when I change settings
How your permissions affect what report data is available to you
Adding a report based on a template