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Report field definitions

This page includes information about key report fields, which are also known as report columns.


For FAQs about the report fields, refer to FAQs about report columns. For a list of what fields are available in each report template, refer to Replicon's Reports Field Matrix.


#  |  Ac |  Ad  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P

 Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  | V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z


Field Name


A report template where it's available1

# of Projects

The number of projects in the system for the client shown, of any status.

Client only

# of Resources Assigned

The number of unique resources assigned to any of the client's projects – that is, it will only count each resource once, even if they're assigned to more than one project. Excludes the All Users, Placeholder, and Department assignments.

Client only

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Actual Available Hours

The number of hours the resource is scheduled to work, whether a shift worker or someone assigned an office schedule, for the row and filter settings selected. Equivalent to Scheduled Hrs. Does not subtract time off taken.

Resource only

Actual Billable Expense

The sum of all expenses with Bill to Client checked that have been entered in expense sheets with any approval status, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing 

Actual Billable Hours

The billable hours saved in timesheets of any approval status, for the row and filter settings selected. Billable hours are hours saved against a billable-only project, or for which the Billable option was selected in a timesheet.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing 

Actual Billing

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Billable Hrs * Billing Rate Amount for the row and filter settings selected. Excludes expenses. Includes both invoiced amounts and amounts that have not been invoiced.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing OR Project OR Client (depending on the date range or currency)

Actual Cost

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Actual Hours * Hourly Cost Amount in effect on the time entry date, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing 

Actual Hours

The number of hours saved in timesheets, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing 

Actual Non-Billable Hours (Selected Dates)

The non-billable hours saved in timesheets with any approval status, for the row and filter settings selected. Non-billable hours are hours saved against a non-billable-only project, or for which the Non Billable option was selected in a timesheet.

Project Time Allocation 

Actual Payroll Amount

Actual Available Hours * hourly payroll rate in effect on the entry date, for the row and filter settings selected.

Resource only

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1


This is a Yes or No field applying to shift workers only. Yes displays if the Actual Time In exactly matches the Shift Start Time, AND the Actual Time Out exactly matches the Shift End Time for the shift shown in the row. In all other cases, No displays. Does not take breaks or gaps in hours worked into account.

Work Schedule only

Allocated Hours

The number of hours in/out or punch users have allocated to a project, task, or activity in the allocation grid component of their timesheet, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Time Allocation only

Allocation Category

The category Allocated Hours are allocated against, for the row and filter settings selected. The categories could be Work Week or Payroll, depending which one is assigned in the user's timesheet template. If the category is Payroll, the name of the pay code associated with the hours displays in the field.

Project Time Allocation only

Allocation Date

The date of the resource allocation, for the row and filter settings selected. Resource allocation is not to be confused with time allocation in timesheets.

Project Team Assignment only


The Billable Amount or Non-Billable Amount for the row -- whichever applies. This is also the Amount for line items that display on invoices.

Can also refer to time off amounts, if followed by (Days) or (Hours).


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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Baseline Estimated Hours

The hours allocated to the project for the period that displays in the row. You can select the period reported on using the Period filter -- options are weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Project Progress only


A Yes or No field. Yes indicates the project hours and amounts shown in the row are billable. No indicates they are non-billable.

Billing only

Billable Amount

The billable amount for the row and filter settings selected. For Timesheet items, calculated using this formula: Billable Hrs * Billing Rate Amount. For Expense items, it is the sum of the items marked Bill Client in the expense sheet, including applicable taxes, for the row. For Fixed Bid items, it is the billable lump sum for the time period in question.


Billable Expense Amount

The Billable Amount from Expense items, for the row and filter settings selected. For other types of items, this column is blank.


Billable Fixed Bid Amount

The Billable Amount from Fixed Bid projects, for the row and filter settings selected. For other types of items, this column is blank.


Billable Hrs

The billable hours saved in timesheets with any approval status, for the row and filter settings selected. Billable hours are hours saved against a billable-only project, or for which the Billable option was selected in a timesheet.


Billable Hrs (In Period)

The Billable Hrs for the timesheet period selected.


Billable Periodic Amount

The Billable Amount from Periodic items, for the row and filter settings selected. For example, this column displays amounts for projects using the default Monthly Fixed Billing Rate Time Period. For other types of items, this column is blank.


Billable Time Amount

The Billable Amount from Timesheet items, for the row and filter settings selected. For other types of items, this column is blank.


Billable Utilization (Week)

Billable Utilization (Month)

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Actual Billable Hours / Scheduled Hours - Timeoff taken Hours * 100% for the week or month, for the row and filter settings selected.

For shift workers, only the Month column applies, values are based on all scheduled hours, and time off is not factored in to the calculation: Actual Billable Hours / Scheduled Hours * 100%.


Billing Item Type

The type of item or project the billing data displayed was gathered from – can be either Timesheet, Expense, Fixed Bid, or Periodic.


Billing Rate Amount

The value of the billing rate applied to the time entry or entries displayed in the row. The rate can be hourly or daily, depending on the Billing Rate Time Period selected for the project.

Project Team Assignment 

Billing Rate Effective Date

The date the project-specific billing rate used for that row took effect. This will be blank if the initial (default) project, role, or user rate was in effect.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Billing Rate Name

The type of rate used for the time entry or entries displayed in the report row. This will be either Project Specific Billing Rate (for a project rate), User Specific (if the user's rate for the project was used), or the name of the role-based rate. Shows blank if the entry is non-billable.


Bradford Factor (52 weeks)

The Bradford Factor is used by human resources departments to monitor the length and frequency of employee absences. For more information, refer to Using the Bradford Factor in time off reports.

Time Off Transactions

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Current Hourly Cost

The value currently assigned in the Hourly Cost field of the user profile for the user displayed in that row. Not to be confused with the Hourly Cost Amount.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Current Hourly Payroll

The payroll rate currently assigned to the user shown in their user profile. Not necessarily the rate that was in effect when an entry was made.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Estimated Billing

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Allocated Hours for the project * highest billing rate currently assigned to the user for the project

Resource allocation is only available in the Professional Services Management and Project Portfolio Management products.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing OR Project OR Client OR Resource (depending on the date range or currency)

Estimated Cost

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Allocated Hours * Hourly Cost Amount in effect on the entry date, for the row and filter settings selected.


Resource allocation is only available in the Professional Services Management and Project Portfolio Management products.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Estimated Hours

The sum of all hours allocated to the project for all project resources.


Resource allocation is only available in the Professional Services Management and Project Portfolio Management products.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Expense Date

The date in the Date field on the expense sheet.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Hourly Cost Amount

The hourly cost rate that was assigned to the user at the time the entry shown was made. Hourly Cost is associated with the Hourly Cost Effective Date, unless it is the inital cost amount.


Hourly Cost Effective Date
Effective Date

The date when the Hourly Cost Amount that displays in that row took effect.

Project Time Allocation


Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Incurred Date

The date when an individual expense on an expense sheet was incurred 


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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Modification Summary

Summarizes the changes made to the timesheet for the row and filter settings selected, for audit purposes. Alternatively, you can use the Field, Original Value, and New Value columns if you do not want to view the changes in summary.

Timesheet Audit Trail only

My Projects' Billable Hrs (In Period)

The total billable hours the user or users shown in the row have entered against projects you manage, for the timesheet period selected. Billable hours are hours saved against a billable-only project, or for which the Billable option was selected in a timesheet or when creating a punch.

Project Time Allocation

My Projects' Hrs (In Period)

The total hours the user or users shown in the row have entered against projects you manage, for the timesheet period selected.

Project Time Allocation

My Projects' Non-billable Hrs (In Period)

The total non-billable hours the user or users shown in the row have entered against projects you manage, for the timesheet period selected. Non-billable hours are hours saved against a non-billable-only project, or for which the Non-Billable option was selected in a timesheet or when creating a punch.

Project Time Allocation

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Non-Billable Amount

The amount of all non-billable entries or expenses for the row and filter settings selected. This will display as 0 for all Timesheet, Fixed Bid, and Periodic items, since these are all billable by default. For expense entries, the amount of the non-billable expense including any applicable taxes displays.


Non-Billable Hrs

The non-billable hours saved in timesheets with any approval status, for the row and filter settings selected. Non-billable hours are hours saved against a non-billable-only project, or for which the Non Billable option was selected in a timesheet.

Timesheet Day

Not Approved Hours (Selected Dates)

The Actual Hours entered in timesheets that have been submitted, but have not yet been approved, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Not Invoiced Hours

The actual Billable Hours of any approval status that have not been included on an invoice of any status, including Draft. This shows blank in non-billable rows.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing

Not Submitted Hours (Selected Dates)

The Actual Hours entered in timesheets in an open or not submitted state, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1


The duration for which progress data is shown in each row, in the Project Progress template. You can choose either weekly, monthly, or quarterly periods using the Period filter. Partial periods are shown when projects don't span a period.

Project Progress only

Project Assignment Type

The type of project resource being reported on in the row. Could be User, Department, or Placeholder.

Project Team Assignment only

Project Estimated Cost

Shows the value currently entered in the Estimated Cost field for the project named in the row, or the sum for all projects selected. Not to be confused with Estimated Cost, which is based on resource allocations.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing

Project Estimated Expenses

Shows the value currently entered in the Estimated Expenses field for the project named in the row, or the sum for all projects selected.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing

Project Estimated Hrs

Shows the value currently entered in the Estimated Hours field for the project named in the row, or the sum for all projects selected. Not to be confused with Estimated Hours, which is based on resource allocations.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Remaining Hours

Values in this column are calculated using this formula:


Estimated Hours - Actual Hours, where estimated hours is the number of hours allocated to the project


Resource allocation is only available in the Professional Services Management and Project Portfolio Management products.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing OR Resource (depending on the date range or currency)

Remaining Planned Hours

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Baseline Estimated Hours - Actual Hours worked for the period shown in the row. You can select the period reported on using the Period filter – options are weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Project Progress only

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Scheduled Hrs

The total scheduled hours for the user or users, excluding break hours, for the row and filter settings selected. This field applies to shift workers or those assigned an office schedule.

Project Time Allocation

Scheduled Variance

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Hours Worked - Scheduled Hrs, for shift workers or those assigned an office schedule, for the row and filter settings selected. This will show as 0 if no scheduled hours are assigned.

Timesheet Period

Shift Break Hours

The number of hours scheduled for breaks, for a shift worker, for the row and filter settings selected.

Work Schedule

Shift Total Hours

The total number of scheduled work and break hours for a shift worker, for the row and filter settings selected. Equivalent to Scheduled Hrs, for shift workers.

Work Schedule

Shift Work Hours

The number of hours a shift worker is scheduled to work, excluding scheduled breaks, for the row and filter settings selected.

Work Schedule

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Task Estimated Cost

Hours entered in the Estimated Hours field for the task shown in the row.

Task Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Task Estimated Hours

Amount entered in the Estimated Cost field for the task shown in the row.

Task Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Time Off in Lieu Deposit

Shows the total the time off in lieu accrued for the time off type, as of the date selected in the filter

Values follow the TOIL settings that determine whether TOIL is deposited when time is entered or when it's approved

Time Off Balances

Total Budget

Shows one of the following, depending on how the program named in that row was set up:

  • The value currently entered in the Total Budget field for the program named in that row, or
  • The value that currently appears in the Total field, derived from the sum of the CapEx and OpEx budget components, for the program named

Will show a sum total if multiple programs are selected in a row.

Project Team Time, Expense Cost & Billing

Total Estimated Hours

The sum of all hours allocated to team members for the project, regardless of the date selected from the Date Range filter, or the Entry Date value that displays in that row. Not to be confused with Estimated Hours.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Total Project Hours

The sum of all hours entered in timesheets for a project by all team members, regardless of the date selected from the Date Range filter, or the Entry Date value that displays in that row. Not to be confused with Actual Hours (All Dates). This field allows you to view data for the whole project alongside task- or user-level data. 

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

Total Remaining Hours

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Total Estimated Hours - Total Project Hours, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Team Time, Expense, Cost & Billing

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Field Name


A report template where it's available1

Unallocated + Allocated Hours

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Unallocated Hours + Allocated Hours. This is equivalent to the total hours recorded in the in/out timesheet or by punching, for those who allocate time to projects, tasks, or activities.

Project Time Allocation

Unallocated Hours

The number of hours in/out or punch timesheet users have entered in in/out tables or recorded via punching in their timesheet, but have not yet allocated to a project, task, or activity in the allocation grid component of their timesheet, for the row and filter settings selected.

Project Time Allocation

Utilization (Week)

Utilization (Month)

Values in this column are calculated using this formula: Actual Hours / Scheduled Hours - Time Off Taken Hours * 100% for the week or month, for the row and filter settings selected. For shift workers, only the Month column applies, values are based on all scheduled hours, and time off is not factored in to the calculation: Actual Hours / Scheduled Hours  * 100%.

Resource only

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1) An example template where each field can be found is listed, though fields are often available in multiple reports. For a list of all fields and the reports they can be found in, refer to Replicon's Reports Field Matrix.

Related topics

How report fields work
Reports Field Matrix