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Help Billing, Cost & Revenue Managers

I can’t find the user I want to share a report with

Any and all users eligible to share a report with should display when you:

  1. Select the  icon for a report (or click Share button on the report’s page).
  2. Click the User, Group field.
  3. Choose All Users.

Users won’t display if:

  • They don’t have access to reports
  • They don’t have permission to run the report you are trying to share
  • They don’t have the required license for viewing the report
  • They’ve been disabled in the system

If the user should be allowed access to that report, a Polaris administrator can:

  1. Go to Administration > Employees and Organization > Users.
  2. Select the timesheet owner’s name.
  3. On the Roles & Permissions tab, ensure the user is assigned the Report User permission set and a role that supports use of the report in question.
For example, if you are trying to share a billing report, ensure the user has billing manager access.
  1. On the Licenses tab, ensure the user is enabled, and that they are assigned the Polaris license.

Related topics

Saving and sharing reports
Using Polaris reports