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How report filters work

Whenever you run a report, you can select criteria from report filters to limit what data displays in the report.

In some reports, additional filters may be available that don’t display in the report by default. If this is the case, you can enable the hidden filters.

After you modify filter settings, you must run the report before your changes will be reflected in the report data.

Be sure to save the report if you change filter settings and you want those changes to be available next time you access the report.

Selecting filter criteria

Click the report filters to choose precisely what data you want to display in the report.

Many of the report filters are compound filters, allowing you to filter data by multiple criteria to narrow down what data displays. For example, the Project filter allows you to filter all projects in the system by project name, client, code, manager, or status.

Then, you can choose from a list of specific projects that meet the criteria you chose.

Only the projects you selected will display when you run the report.

Changing what filters display in a report

In some reports, additional filters may be available that don’t display by default.

For information on what filters are available in each report, refer to Replicon's Reports Field Matrix. Filters are listed at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Note that the filters in that document are listed by report template, not by default report.

To choose what filters display:

  1. Go to Reports, and open the report whose filters you want to configure.
  2. Click the Edit link located next to the Filters button.

  1. Select the check box beside each filter you’d like to use.

  1. Click Done Editing.


What data can I view in reports?

Refer to How your permissions affect what report data is available to you for information on that subject.

Related topics

How report fields work
Reports Field Matrix
Grouping and summarizing report data