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Free Monthly Timesheet Template

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Monthly Timesheet Template

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Download Free Monthly Timesheet Template with Lunch and Overtime

Do you need a monthly timesheet template to track the number of hours worked in a day on monthly basis? Then you are in the right place! Download Replicon’s free monthly timesheet template which will help you to easily calculate the number of hours worked in a day just by entering your login and logout time. The sheet will automatically calculate the number of hours worked and display the results.

Whats best about this monthly timesheet template is that it automatically calculates total working hours in a month along with overtime hours. You can even calculate the total pay and overtime pay by simply entering the hourly pay and overtime pay amount.

monthly timesheet template

How to download and Use Replicon’s Free Monthly Timesheet Template

Step 1 – Basic Information:

Customize your template with the following information:

  • Company Name and Address
  • Employee Name
  • Department
  • Hourly Pay ($)
  • Overtime Pay ($)
  • Regular Hours
  • Month
  • Previous Month Ending On

Step 2 – Timesheet Data:

In this section, either supervisor or employee can enter the data:

Note: Time should be entered in hh:mm (24-hour format). For example, 6 AM should be 06:00 and 6 PM should be 18:00.

  • Project
  • Job Code
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Break [Use increments of 0.25 (15 minutes)]
  • Vacation / Sick Hours

Some of the checkpoints to keep in mind while using the excel sheet

  • Make sure that the ‘Start Time‘ is not later than ‘End Time‘. In case you try to enter wrong value, the template will display error message
  • Enter ‘Break ‘ in hh:mm format.
  • Once you enter data in ‘Month’ and ‘previous month ending on’ tabs, the date will be automatically displayed in the table along with the month and day.
  • Do not change any formulas present in the monthly timesheet template. Only add/delete entries in project, job code, month, start time,breaks, end time and vacation / sick hours columns.
  • Regular hours, overtime hours and total hours will be automatically calculated based on the data provided by you in Step 1.
  • Total Pay and Total Overtime Pay will also be calculated based on the data provided in Step 1.
  • Use increments of 0.25 (15 minutes) when recording break (hours).

This is all of the information that is required to download and use your monthly timesheet template.

Manually managing monthly timesheet of employees is very tedious job and may lead to miscalculations. Try Replicon’s timesheet management software for free and learn how to manage and automate timesheets effortlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions on Monthly Timesheet Template:

1. What is the purpose of a time sheet?

TA monthly timesheet will help you to easily calculate the number of hours worked in a day just by entering your login and logout time. The sheet will automatically calculate the total working hours in a month along with overtime hours. You can even calculate the total pay and overtime pay by simply entering the hourly pay and overtime pay amount.

2. How do you calculate working hours from a timesheet?

Working hours for the month are calculated by taking into consideration the Start Time and End Time with breaks taken in minutes. You can also allocate the regular hours and overtime hours.

3. How do I fill my timesheet?

Make sure that the ‘Start Time ‘ is not later than ‘End Time ‘. In case you try to enter the wrong value, the template will display the error message

Enter ‘Break ‘ in hh: mm format.

Once you enter data in ‘Month’ and ‘previous month ending on’ tabs, the date will be automatically displayed in the table along with the month and day.

Do not change any formulas present in the monthly timesheet template. Only add/delete entries in the project, job code, month, start time, breaks, end time, and vacation / sick hours columns.

Regular hours, overtime hours, and total hours will be automatically calculated based on the data provided by you.

Use increments of 0.25 (15 minutes) when recording break (hours).

4. How is timesheet used to calculate the pay?

Total Pay and Total Overtime Pay will also be calculated based on the data provided. Regular pay is calculated for 8 working hours and Overtime pay is calculated if you exceed 8 hours.

5. Do salaried employees need to clock in and out?

Yes, salaried employees need to clock in and out as it will be used to calculate payments. Also, it helps to adhere to company policies regarding work time.

6. Why is it important to record time accurately?

It is important to record time accurately as the Start Time and End time are used to calculate pay. If you clock in early and clock out past your time, then you will be eligible for overtime pay. To make it easier to calculate your overtime, it is essential to record time accurately.

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Sonika Malviya


Sonika Malviya

Sonika is a Marketing Communications Specialist at Deltek | Replicon, specializing in covering topics related to time tracking and workforce management software. With her in-depth knowledge of these topics, she translates technical details into understandable and relatable content to empower businesses to optimize their productivity, improve their workflows, and achieve greater success in managing their time. Beyond her professional role, Sonika finds solace and inspiration in her travels. She also practices meditation and has a flair for culinary experimentation, always eager to try her hand at cooking new cuisines.


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