Troubleshooting Microsoft Project sync

If errors or warnings occur while syncing a project between Microsoft Project and Replicon, they are recorded in a log. Click Save Error Log to view the list of issues.

In most cases the sync will have completed even if an error occurs. However, some of the data may not have been transferred. The log will detail what information couldn’t be transferred.

Below is a list of errors you may encounter in the sync dialog or the log along with troubleshooting details.

Error message

Possible cause

Selected Task – Task A is inactive. You are not allowed to update actualwork field for this.

Once you mark a task as inactive in Microsoft Project, the actuals cannot be changed. Before making a task inactive, sync the project to ensure all time has been transferred from Replicon.

You may continue to see this error in future, but it should not affect the sync. Because the task is automatically closed in Replicon after being marked inactive in Microsoft Project, no further time can be entered.

Project Name should be unique. A Project already exists with specified project name.

There is already a project in Replicon with the name of the project you are trying to sync. Either rename the existing project in Replicon or rename the new project you have created in Microsoft Project.

Unable to sync task field 'fieldname'

Details: All access checks failed to authorize operation

You do not have permission to set this field in Replicon. See Who can use the add-in? for information on how your Replicon permissions affect what data can be transferred.

Unable to sync resource, name=Courtney Ross

Details: either user/role not exist in replicon or not available for project/task assignment

You have a resource assigned in Microsoft Project that does not exist in Replicon. Ask your administrator to add the resource as a user in Replicon and retry the sync. For placeholders, add the placeholder as a Project Role in Replicon.

Exception while populating task data System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

Ensure that all data entered in Microsoft Project is in the format required by the corresponding Replicon field. For example, the Duration field is transferred to the Estimated Hours field. Because the Estimated Hours field requires a number, a number should be entered in the Duration field in Microsoft Project (or the field can be left blank).

Could not connect to server

There is a problem with the connection to the Replicon server. Contact Replicon Support for assistance.

Unable to sync project, id=mycompany_Project1_ThisProject; name=Project 1

Details: Exception: Could not send Message.

There may be a problem with the connection to the Replicon server. Contact Replicon Support for assistance.

Related links

Transferring project data to and from Microsoft Project
Installing the Microsoft Project add-in
Syncing a project with Microsoft Project
Integrating with Replicon
Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data