Mass moving time from one project or task to another

You may sometimes need to move time from one project or task to another.

For instance, if a new task that users need isn’t set up yet, those users may continue entering time against the old version of the task. So, at some point, you’ll need to move that time to the new version.

You could move time by opening, updating, saving, and approving each affected timesheet one by one, but that would be very time-consuming. So, we provide a utility for moving time between projects/tasks in bulk, for billing or costing managers.

This utility does not validate the data you move; therefore, be sure affected users are assigned to the target project or task and that you’ve selected the appropriate billing rate before moving time.

Time cannot be moved between User’s Choice projects.

Billing and cost managers require Moving Time between Projects permission to use this feature.

To mass move time:

  1. Go to Billing > Timesheets or Cost > Timesheets, and click the Move Time button.
  2. Select the project (and optionally, task) you want to move time from.
  3. Select the date range for the move.

All time entered for the project/task within the selected dates will be moved, inclusive of the dates selected. If you leave these dates blank, all time entered against the project/task will be moved.

  1. Optionally, click + Add Criteria to filter time by user or group assignment:
      • If you filter by user, only the selected user’s time will be moved
      • If you filter by a group, only time entered by members of the selected group or groups will be moved
  1. Click Next. Then, choose the destination project/task, and the applicable billing rate to apply.

Only rates available for the target project are available to select. If only one rate is available, it’s selected by default.

The billing rate you select will be applied to all time moved. If multiple billing rates need to be applied, you’ll need to move time using separate batches for each rate.

  1. Click Next. Then, confirm time being moved, and click Move Time.

You’ll see a statement confirming the move.

After moving the time, the system will begin recalculating project totals. It may take a while for totals to be updated everywhere in the application and in reports.


Do affected timesheets need to be reapproved?

No, submitted timesheets are not reopened when time is moved using this method, and are not reapproved. Therefore, be careful when moving data, since the change will not be validated.

Can data only be moved from open timesheets?

No, data from timesheets of any status, including approved timesheets, can be moved. Therefore, be careful when moving data, since timesheets won’t be reapproved, and the change will not be validated.

If we move time using this method, will that changes be recorded in the Timesheet Audit Trail report for affected timesheets?

Yes, the changes will be recorded in the Timesheet Audit Trail report, with the user who carried out the move listed as the Modifier.

The change will also be recorded in the Modification History component of affected timesheets, if that component is enabled in the user’s assigned timesheet template.

Can we use the mass move tool to move time within a project, from one task to another?

Yes. If moving time within a project, you’ll be given an additional option in the Billing Rates filter: No Change - Keep existing billing rate selection.

Will the time that is moved be available when I create invoices?

Yes, all project totals will update automatically based on the time changes you make using the mass move utility.

Are comments retained when time is moved?

Yes, any comments associated with moved entries are retained.

Related links

Correcting an item
Bypassing regular approvals
Using data import to mass add, update, and delete data
Does Replicon record an audit trail of changes?
How Replicon timesheets work