Choosing which columns are available on expense sheets

Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Choosing which columns are available on expense sheets in the Polaris help.

You can choose which data columns are available on expense sheet. You may want to disable fields that are not used by your organization to prevent confusion and simplify expense sheets.

Not all available columns display by default on expense sheets – some fields may be initially hidden, but can be enabled by the expense sheet user.

To choose which expense columns are available:

  1. Go to Administration > Expenses > Expense Columns.
  2. Select the check box beside each field you’d like to be available on expense sheets.
  3. Click Save.


Why can’t we disable the Date, Quantity, and Amount columns?

Date and amount are required for all expenses. Quantity is required if a rate-based expense is in use.

Related links

How expenses work
Expense tracking setup checklist
Setting up expenses (video)
Setting up expense templates
Setting default billing rates and expense codes for a client