Bypassing regular approvals

Looking for help with this feature in Polaris PSA or Polaris PPM? Check out Bypassing regular approvals in the Polaris help.

If you are in a rush to get items approved for billing or payroll, you can bypass the approval chain. When you approve items as a Billing, Payroll, or Cost Manager, the item becomes fully approved, skipping all pending approvers and any validation. You can even approve unsubmitted items; the item will be automatically submitted and approved.

To approve an item:

  1. Go to the Billing, Payroll, or Cost section.
  2. Select the tab for the items you want to approve, either Timesheets, Time Off, or Expenses.

If you're a billing or cost manager, and want to approve time entries, select Time Entries from the View By field located in the top, right-hand corner of the Timesheets page.

  1. Find the items in the list, using the filters as necessary.
  2. Select the items you want to approve.
  3. Click the Approve button above the list.

Alternately, you can click Reject to send it back to the owner for correction.

  1. Click OK in the warning dialog.
  2. Enter comments, if desired, and click the Approve button.

Submitting an item instead

If you want to bypass approvals for an unsubmitted item, use the Approve button as outlined above. The item will be automatically submitted and approved. However, if you want the item to be submitted for normal approvals, you can use the Submit button. You may be required to enter comments in the prompt.


Do I bypass approvals when approving in other areas of the application?

No, approvals are only bypassed when in the Billing, Payroll, and Cost sections. If you approve items in the Team section, the item will proceed to the next approver like normal.

What happens to a timesheet if an entry is rejected? Can the timesheet be submitted?

If a time entry is reopened, its timesheet reopens automatically. If an entry is rejected, its owner is prompted to reopen the associated timesheet, if it’s submitted or approved. This is because submitted timesheets should only include submitted entries.

To ensure timesheets aren’t submitted with a rejected entry, we recommend administrators apply the Prevent submission of time entries not submitted workflow condition.

Related links

Tracking the approval status of items
How approvals work
Correcting an item
What is a time entry submission workflow for timesheets?
Deleting and regenerating a timesheet