Gain Complete Control Over Your Organization’s Time & Attendance with Replicon’s TimeAttend
Manage your dispersed workforce in real-time, apply relevant pay rules to ensure compliance and streamline your pre-payroll process.
With a dispersed workforce, it may seem daunting to manage your employees, compliance, and labor costs but that need not be the case. Part of Replicon’s unified Time Intelligence® platform, the TimeAttend solution empowers your organization with the ability to stay on top of your workforce, use AI to update your time clock software, and easily manage schedules, overtime, labor compliance, and time off. Our flexible time and attendance platform was built for you diverse workforce and labor compliance needs, and it includes:
- Unified time and attendance: Reduce errors and reworking by tracking and managing your dispersed workforce with a centralized platform for time and gross pay.
- Labor law compliance: Stay on top of your multi-state, multi-jurisdiction labor compliance needs with our pre-built global pay rule library and automate policy application accordingly.
- Scheduling with confidence: Get complete control over employee availability and schedules, and manage employee shift adherence in real-time.
- Source to gross pay: Gain total visibility into employee hours and pay rules to simplify the management of source to gross pay across your business.
- A new, intelligent time clock: Modernize your time clock software and clocking in/out processes with the addition of our CloudClock. CloudClock utilizes AI-powered self service capabilities like Facial Recognition, advanced project tracking, and more to help you achieve accurate and unobtrusive time management.